Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm not a runner yet.

Yes I believe my last note, or BLOG was very motivational. So motivational that instead of running i'm sitting on the couch with my laptop watching Entertainment Tonight. However, I'm starting to think about running. It is in my mind just hasn't happenened yet. I was chatting with a friend online today she saw I was running and blogging. So, I have to be honest with my audience. The big RUN has not happened yet. It will though...

Now that I have confessed the issue I wanted to blog about today is motivation. My weight loss motivation has dwindled and my running motivation has not yet pushed me to head to the treadmill. However, I realize that I'm in charge of my own motivation. As a counselor at a college I am frequently flabbergasted at PARENTs who come in WITH their adult child (18-30) who they want to start college. The parent asks all the questions and the child ( yes 18-30 year old) says little or nothing. When I ask the CHILD the question the CHILD looks at the parent to answer. Really? This parent thinks that their child needs to be in college? Seriously..parents your child can't even come in for themselves..they have no motivation and you can't live their life for them! Moral of this story...if your child has no motivation you doing things for them will not increase it. Motivation comes from within. Have you found yours?


  1. You can do it Wendy! When I attempted to start running last year, it hurt, I was out of breath, I felt like I was dying, etc. BUT, I was so proud of myself for doing it, that it was worth it, and each day got a little easier. Unfortunately for me, my joints don't agree with running, but if they did, I would totally be out there doing it still. DO IT!

  2. i used to run with willy when he was in power school. of course, that was a LONG time ago. ugh. then when we got married i gained 2834752039857 pounds. and then we moved to cali and i developed asthma from the icky air & stuff. and then my physical therapist told me he didn't want me running. so treadmill/elliptical it is. i'd much rather run outside & see the sights. lol.
    but anyway, my point was that i LOVED running once i got into it. :) i hope you keep motivated, b/c that is the #1 hardest thing for me. you can do it!
